
【暫停派發快速抗原測試套裝】【Suspension of Distribution of Rapid Antigen Testing Kit】

由於快速抗原測試套裝庫存下降,為確保抗疫前線人員、醫院及醫療機構、高風險群組等的檢測需要不受影響,現暫停派發測試套裝給 60 歲或以上長者,直至另行通告。
As the stock of rapid antigen testing (RAT) kits is depleting, to ensure supply of
RAT kits for frontline anti-epidemic staff, hospitals and medical institutes, as well
as high-risk groups, the distribution of RAT kits to persons aged or above 60 is
suspended until further notice.
Elderly citizens in need of testing can receive free, professional nucleic acid
testing services without appointment at all Community Testing Centres or
Community Testing Stations across the territory.
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